2019 Russell Springs Horseshoe League Final Standings 

Rank	Name	St. Natstat	Card #	Wins	Losses	Ringers	Shoes	Rnger%	TGP	High Game
1	John Irvin	66.79%	320132	18	12	836	1500	55.73%	30	68.0%
2	Weston Ryan	6.00%	320313	17	10	89	1350	6.59%	27	18.0%
3	Brad Rexroat	21.79%	320281	16.5	13.5	283	1500	18.87%	30	32.0%
4	Frank Irvin	35.95%	320133	16.5	13.5	486	1500	32.40%	30	46.0%
5	Wyatt Ryan	10.00%	??????	12	12	70	1200	5.83%	24	10.0%
6	John Meece	8.00%	??????	10	7	50	800	6.25%	17	10.0%
7	R.C. Ryan	21.00%	320230	7	23	220	1500	14.67%	30	24.0%

The Russell County League congratulates John Irvin on winning the 2019 league! The league would also
like to congratulate Weston Ryan who won all 4 games on the final night to move into 2nd place! Weston also
pitched an 18% game which is his highest to date in the KHPA/Russell County League!

Congrats to the Russell Springs League in 2019!