2023 Edmonson County HPA Summer League Final Standings

Rank	Name	St. Natstat	Card #	Wins	Losses	Ringers	Shoes	Rgr.%	TGP	High Game
1	Charles Browning43.18%	320103	25	5	712	1500	47.47%	30	62.0%
2	Mike Clark	25.50%	320214	17.5	11.5	409	1450	28.21%	29	46.0%
3	Phil Douglas	23.93%	803180	16	14	399	1500	26.60%	30	42.0%
4	Jimmy Adwell	11.00%	??????	15	15	211	1500	14.07%	30	26.0%
5	Sarah Neagle	37.67%	320265	14	4	301	900	33.44%	18	48.0%
6	Johnny Williams	10.80%	804306	11	19	184	1500	12.27%	30	24.0%
7	Zack Burch	 2.00%	??????	9	6	55	750	 7.33%	15	20.0%
8	Robert Taylor	44.64%	320078	9	13	492	1100	44.73%	22	60.0%
9	John Neagle	45.13%	320268	8.5	8.5	344	850	40.47%	17	54.0%
10	Don Seckel	13.25%	804305	8	19	165	1250	13.20%	27	36.0%
11	J.R. Smith	 8.00%	??????	7	14	83	1050	 7.90%	21	18.0%
12	Ben Webb	70.28%	320063	6	3	354	450	78.67%	9	92.0%
13	Karen Meredith	49.17%	320018	4	6	209	500	41.80%	10	52.0%
14	Dean Kitto	 6.00%	??????	2	4	20	300	 6.67%	6	10.0%
15	David Trent	 2.67%	??????	1	5	8	300	 2.67%	6	 6.0%
16	Curtis Humphrey	 3.33%	??????	0	6	6	300	 2.00%	6	 6.0%

Charles Browning wins the 2023 Summer League going away! Browning is a tough competitor! Taking
note of others that pitched well. Phil pitched well tonight and maintained third place as Mike pitched
his average and hung on to second. J.R. also pitched his highest game so far at 18%. Jimmy, Johnny
& Don also finished up with a good night.

% games:
Robert- (48, 38), Jimmy- (22,18, 20), John- (30, 28), Charles- (46, 42, 44), Phil- (26, 28, 38), 
Mike- (28, 28, 30), Don- (14, 16, 18), Johnny - (14, 18, 22), Sarah- (DNP), 
J.R. (14, 18, 8) Zack - (DNP), Karen - (DNP), Ben - (DNP), Curtis - (0, 0, 2)