Newport, Ky.

"DAYTON MAN WINS STATE CROWN" George Moore is the new horseshoe pitching champion of Kentucky.
 The tournament was held at the Riverview Horseshoe Courts in Newport. The tournament closed Sunday, Sept. 19th. 
(Headline from unknown newspaper source)

1937 Championship/Newport
George Moore		12-1	56.0%
Charles Eha		12-1	52.8%
Harry Henn		10-3	56.3%
Edward Hull		 9-4	52.9%
Ray Wright		 9-4	49.5%
Harold McPhearson	 9-4	44.8%		        
Jake Morscher		 6-6	37.8%
Jake Nuhn		 6-6	37.0%
Harry Schaefer		 4-9	36.3%
Billy Henn		3-10	36.8%
Kenneth Miller		3-10	30.6%
Sep Morscher		3-10	28.0%
Ossie Alford		 2-9	31.4%					    
Hubert Williams		2-11	32.3%

Moore defeated Eha in a close game for the championship.

Louisville, Ky.

"VAN YOUNG RETAINS STATE SHOE TITLE" Van Young captured the Kentucky State Horseshoe 
pitching championship yesterday at Central Park for the third consecutive year, thereby gaining permanent 
possession of the Kentucky Horseshoe Pitcher's Association trophy. 
(Excerpt from the "Louisville Courier Journal", October 11, 1937.)

1937 Championship/Louisville
(1st thru 4th)
Van L. Young	Unk.	65.1%
Elmer McCoy	Unk.	60+
William Nuttall	Unk.	54.2%
Henry Lucas	Unk.	51.9%


"MOORE WINS SHOE CROWN" George Moore retained his title and lost only one game, that 
being to Ray Wright. The tournament was held Sunday, August 28th at the Riverview Social Club Courts. 
(Headline from unknown newspaper source)

Newport, Ky.

1938 Championship/Newport
George Moore		14-1	61%
Ray Wright		13-2	50%
Charles Eha		10-5	51%
Harold McPhearson	10-5	50%
Harry Henn		 9-6	51%
Edward Hull		 9-6	48%		
L. McPhearson		 8-7	47%
Orville Goodwin		 7-8	45%
Jake Nuhn		 7-8	42%
Ossie Alford		 7-8	42%
Sep Morscher		 6-9	41%					
I. Hampton		5-10	43%
Harry Schaefer 		5-10	41%
Charles Boschert	4-11	36%
Jake Morscher		4-11	41%
M. Hutchinson		2-13	32%	

Louisville, Ky.

"McCoy Wins Horseshoe Title Of State."

  Elmer McCoy, champion horseshoe pitcher of Louisville, Sunday won the State 
title at Shawnee park, playing Kentucky's top-ranking players without suffering 
a defeat. The victory gave  McCoy the first leg on the new Stansanco three-year 
State trophy. He set a new high ringer average for State play, connecting on 67
in each hundred tosses. Henry Lucas, representing the Stansanco Club was 
runner-up, being defeated only by the new champion. One feature of the 
tournament was the remarkable playing of Henry Fox, 79, who lost only four 
games and had a ringer average of 47 percent. (Louisville Courier Journal- October
10th, 1938)

1938 Championship/Louisville 			
(1st & 2nd)							
Elmer McCoy		Unk.	67%	
Henry Lucas		Unk.	Unk.

(Participated, place unknown)				
Henry Fox		Unk.	47%

McCoy had 0 losses, Lucas had 1 loss
and Fox had 4 losses.

Class B
W.A. Brintlinger (winner)

Louisville, Ky.

"McCOY REPEATS AS SHOE CHAMP." Elmer McCoy repeated as Kentucky State horseshoe
pitching champion by making a clean sweep of his ten games in the round robin state meet held on 
the Central Park lanes Sunday. Held on Sept. 24, 1939. (Excerpt from the Louisville Courier Journal) 

1939 Championship/Louisville
Elmer McCoy		9-0	62.0%
Harry Henn	       	7-1	51.1%
George Moore      	7-1	48.0%
William Nuttall		5-4	44.2%
Henry Lucas		5-4	43.5%
Robert Cartwright	4-5	42.0%		
Alvey Keene		3-6	28.7%
A. Henry		2-7	28.0%
Edward Hull		1-8	31.5%		    
Joe Wilkerson		1-8	25.8%